NVC Expands Sciences Courses at WETC



西北远景学院(NVC) has expanded course offerings at the new Westside Education & Training Center (WETC) for students taking science classes this fall.

Dr. Russ Frohardt, dean for Academic Success at NVC, said that this semester NVC faculty will teach 关闭 to 20 classes at WETC, which includes NVC’s existing career and technical education programs, including the 社区 Health Worker program.

Currently, NVC is offering three biology courses, such as Introductory Biology and Anatomy & WETC生理学. These are often taken by science majors and those students intending to pursue careers in allied health fields, 博士说. Eric Madrid, associate professor and chair of NVC’s Natural and Physical Sciences department.

“自然实验室的工作人员 & Physical Sciences have been hard at work over the summer to prepare this space for students this fall,埃里克说。. “每一件玻璃器皿, 每张显微镜载玻片, and every anatomical model our students will use this semester had to be hand-delivered by our lab staff.”

今年春天, NVC and 阿拉莫大学 celebrated the grand opening of the new WETC building at the same location. The original WETC building opened in 2006, with an enrollment of 1,347 students. In 2017, Bexar县 voters approved a $450 million capital improvement bond for the 阿拉莫大学, with $23 million allocated for the WETC, which doubled the size of the previous building.

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西北远景学院(NVC), part of the 十大网赌正规网址官网区, is designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution. The college opened in 1995 with 12 students and has grown to one of the largest institutions of higher education in 圣安东尼奥 and the region with current enrollment exceeding 17,000名学生. 位于韦斯特多佛山, NVC’s expanding agreements with business and higher education partnerships provide a wealth of opportunities for students and the community.

NVC was the only community college in 圣安东尼奥 and one of eight in Texas that was invited in 2021 to compete for the 2023 Aspen Prize for 社区 大学 Excellence, the nation’s highest recognition in community college education. The Aspen Prize recognizes excellence in teaching and learning, certificate and degree completion, transfer and bachelor’s attainment, workforce success as well as equity for students of color and students from low-income backgrounds.