


Find your purpose and start your journey in one of our five institutes, 这是一种令人兴奋和创新的方法,通过指导您只学习毕业和转学所需的课程,节省您的时间和金钱. NVC’s institute model emphasizes experiential learning, 获得适合市场的技能, and clear pathways for success. Each institute consists of faculty, 工作人员, and advisors devoted to helping you fulfill your potential and reach your goals. Click below to find out more about our institutes.

业务 & 创业学院

业务 & 创业学院

商学院学生Have you ever dreamed about being a business manager or owning a business? At 西北维斯塔学院 (NVC), the 业务 and 创业学院 prepares you for a future of progress, 给你一个愿景, 知识, and marketable skills to make a difference in the world. 我们结合了高质量的内容, 参与教师, 以及一个温馨的氛围,创造一个无与伦比的商业前研究领域,以解决现实世界的商业问题.

我们的教师将向您介绍成功的商业领袖和潜在雇主,并帮助您发展自己的创业理念. Join us to help shape your career as an auditor, 经济学家, 税务检查, 会计, 财务顾问, 销售人员, customer service representative, 或者企业主. Whether you are seeking to complete an associate’s degree or a marketable certificate, 雷士商业与创业学院将增加你在商业世界的价值,或者帮助你转到四年制的学院或大学.



有创意的 & Communication 艺术s Institute

有创意的 & Communication 艺术s Institute


在创意与传播艺术学院,你可以学习进入广泛的职业生涯,包括, 但不限于, 视觉及表演艺术, 创意写作, 哲学, 新闻, 历史, 墨西哥裔美国人研究, 语言翻译, social media and web development, 电子商务, 三维动画, 游戏设计, 教育, 公共关系, 项目管理, 以及企业培训.

Students will learn computer skills and specific critical thinking skills involving logic, rhetoric (the art of persuasion), and interpretive frameworks to understand social life. 加入我们来学习一门新的语言,或者提高你的写作和演讲技巧,这样你就能清晰而有说服力地交流. These skills will help you in your current or future career choice, 为21世纪的经济增加晋升机会和职业灵活性.



健康 & 生物科学研究所

健康 & 生物科学研究所


In the 健康 and Bio-科学s Institute you can study to be a nurse, 物理治疗师, 运动生理学家, 制药技术, 社区卫生工作者, 私人教练, 临床研究专员, 运动心理学家, 教练, 运动医学, 职业治疗师, and many other careers related to health and biology.

你可以获得坚实的基础和实践培训,为你选择的职业或未来的学士学位课程学习奠定基础. 无论你选择哪条路, whether a career or academic path, the courses you take will teach you valuable skills, such as critical thinking skills, 团队合作, 沟通, 公众演讲, 研究技能.






西北维斯塔学院的公共服务学院为学生在社会学领域的职业生涯做准备, 刑事司法, 教育, 政府, 非营利组织. 学生也将有机会参加墨西哥-美国政府或强调和平与冲突研究的课程. When you study within the Institute of Public Service, you will have the opportunity to better understand society and culture, how individuals and groups impact social relations, and how you can make a positive difference in the community. 一路走来, you will develop marketable skills such as better writing and oral presentation skills, logical and quantitative reasoning, and how to work within a team.



科学 & 技术研究所

科学 & 技术研究所


In the 科学 and 技术研究所 (STI) at 西北维斯塔学院, you will study the scientific method. 因为它是公正的, the scientific method is the most authentic way of examining our natural world. All other methods of inquiry—like logic or authority, are inherently biased. 在当今复杂的文化和职业生涯中,拥有使用公正的调查工具的能力尤为重要. STI内的课程使您成为虚拟科学方法的专家, 物理, 生物, 心理, 或者社会学领域. STI课程系统地为您提供进行科学研究的机会,并有能力在当地展示您的研究, 国家, and inter国家 professional conferences.

There are many benefits for STI students: You will be more likely to graduate from 西北维斯塔学院 with an Associate of 科学 (AS) degree; you will benefit from direct STI transfer agreements to universities; you will be trained in ethics; you will be trained in statistical analyses; you will have opportunities to be members of professional research organizations and present at professional research conferences; you will be exposed to a variety of opportunities for obtaining research awards and fellowships; and you will have ample opportunities to establish a network of professional contacts. 另外, you and your STI peers will have the 知识 of being a significant part of the scientific process that answered critical questions within the research literature; you will become true critical thinkers; you will have significant increases in self-esteem and understandings of your own self-concepts; and, 也许最重要的是, you will know truth is not defined by who yells the loudest, 或者谁是权威, or the initials after someone’s name.



阿拉莫大学 准备工作 Program

Connecting you with training 项目 at the 阿拉莫大学 – and beyond.

One or more of these 项目 are approved 准备工作 项目. 弄清楚你是否有资格获得免费的学费和就业安置服务,这将使你获得一个有需求的职业. Don’t wait; apply today!

Click Here for More Information!

